Monday, November 12, 2007

Want a Dose of Perspective

I was feeling a bit down over some setbacks when I came across this video on

That's My King (Large)

That's My King (Small)

It put things into an entirely new perspective for me.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ministries and Discretion

WBC has many graduates in mission fields. Some are working in sensitive or dangerous areas. Let's be sure that we respect the danger of revealing too much on this blog. So, be sure you check with any missionary before mentioning them or writing about their work.

Friday, November 9, 2007

DVDs in the mail

A full set of DVDs of the video shot during the reunion is on its way to those of the Class of 1967 for whom we have contact information. If you have not received your package by Thanksgiving, then something is very wrong!

Please contact Tom Meeks and he will send out another set for you.

The 40th Year Reunion

The genesis of this blog was the 40th year reunion of the original class of 1967 of the Washington Bible College. Many of us had not seen each other since graduating. We had such a great time catching up that we decided that 40 years was far to long to go without having contact. So, this blog was born.

All of us are indebted to Ruth and Ray Shive for their hard work in putting the reunion together!

We will have several editors that will have access to post primary messages to the blog. But, all will be able to comment and if you would like to be an editor, just let me know.
