Monday, March 3, 2008

"Who Switched Off My Brain" - Book Review

It is wonderful to realize that new discoveries in the world of science only serve to validate the Bible as an incredible resource for life changing truth. It seems that every generation learns something new about long familiar passages as we independently discover new information about ourselves and our world.

In recent years technology has given us new tools for mapping and understanding the functions of the brain along with new appreciations of the brain/body interaction. As we've learned more, we see that Biblical passages that encourages us to change our way of thinking are not only true; but, are explained more fully.

I came upon Dr. Caroline Leaf's book, titled "Who Switched Off My Brain" as I was searching for answers as to why so many people, including those that claim to be Christian, seem trapped by the past. All too often, people who have experienced abuse as child seem to evaluate all of life through the filter of that abuse to the point where they are virtual prisoners of the past. This sad fact seems out of congruence with what we read in the Scriptures about being "New Creations in Christ".

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

When what we experience seems out of line with Biblical Truth then we can rest assured that it is our experience that is the problem, not the Scriptures. And, so it is in the cases I have described above. The great news is that Dr. Leaf's book and a companion DVD set have revealed not only why the Bible's claim is absolutely true; but, gives tangible explanations as to why and how it works when properly understood.

Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The big question has always been, "How can we renew our minds?"

The Bible says we can do it and now, science has given us new information about how it can be done... by conscienciously applying FAITH thinking rather than FEAR thinking. Dr. Leaf explains, in great detail, how memories are formed and the electromagnetic/chemical processes that are associated with each memory. She also explains why negative and painful memories become anchors (what I had observed as filters) upon which more negative memories are built... eventually becoming what the Bible would describe as 'strongholds'.

When negative memories are formed or recalled they actual generate stress chemicals that race through our bodies and effect every part of our bodies. We've all experienced the instant physical reaction that hits us as a painful memory rises to our conscieousness. Conversely, the reason we smile is that a different set of chemical messengers races through our bodies when good memories are recalled. Over time, the brain's generating of stressful negative chemical messengers ends up showing up as illnesses in our minds and bodies. As I read her description of these processes I was aware, in my own life, how true this has been with the little stress I'd experienced in a lifetime. I could only imagine the effects in those whose memories were built on foundations of childhood traumas and abuse.

But, fortunately, research by Dr. Leaf and others have revealed that our minds CAN be renewed, just as the Bible has claimed. Negative memories might never go away; but, they can be rendered powerless and there are very good physical reasons why. That's the way the brain works! Every time a memory is accessed it can be altered and Dr. Leaf proceeds to show us just how this can be accomplished from a scientific as well as Biblical point of view.

If you are called to minister to people then I would urge you to explore this book. If you have gone through a painful marriage or divorce I would urge you to explore this book. If you are home schooling and want to understand the best way to help your child learn, then I urge you to explore this book.

But, better than that, I would urge you to invest in $99 to get a video presentation, along with the book and other materials that goes into much greater detail than the book alone. Both the book and the DVD set can be purchased at:

Dr. Caroline Leaf's Web Site

To see some interviews with Dr. Leaf discussing her research and conclusions try these videos.

Dr Caroline Leaf - Video #1

Dr Caroline Leaf - Video #2

Here is a short Wikipedia biography for Dr. Leaf.

Having purchased scores of books, over a lifetime, that attempt to help people understand how to put into practice the Bible's call for us to renew our minds, I'd have to say that this is the single most important book I have ever read on the subject.

Note: This review is the personal opinion of Tom Meeks and does not reflect the endorsement or official opinion of the Washington Bible College or any other members of the Class of 1967. It is posted merely as part of our desire to share what we, as individuals. find interesting for our fellow our class members.